New Study Challenges YouTube’s Rabbit Hole Effect on Political Polarization
With 2.1 billion monthly users, YouTube is a major media platform that has become an important component of many Americans’ news diets. Simultaneously, it has garnered a reputation for stoking the flames of political extremism, making it a focal point among researchers studying video-stream platforms and their intersection with political polarization. The mainstream media has also taken interest in extremism on YouTube—New York Times writer and Princeton professor Zeynep Tufekci has argued that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm radicalizes its users by exposing them to increasingly polarizing content.
How the Media Distorts Perceptions on Chronic Disease Risks
Silent illnesses, or chronic diseases, contribute to 70% of deaths in the US annually and six in ten Americans suffer from at least one chronic condition. Despite this, coverage of this public health crisis is disproportionately overshadowed by sensational risks, including terrorism, homicide, and traffic accidents- incidents that are far more likely to grab readers’ attention.
Violent Language in Films Has Increased Since the 1970s: A New Study
Violent entertainment has made it into the public discourse due to rising concerns about the graphic nature of highly popular video game franchises including Grand Theft Auto (GTA) and Call of Duty. But what about violence in films which are enjoyed by a much larger and more diverse audience? After the R Rating was established by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) film rating system in 1968, there was an increase in violent content in films thereafter.
Research Assistant Spotlight: Priya D’Costa Presents at NeurIPS
This past weekend CSSLab alumna Priya DCosta presented a poster titled What do you say or how do you say it? at NeurIPS 2024 Behavioral ML Workshop, a first-time workshop on exploring the incorporation of insights from the behavioral sciences into AI models/systems in Vancouver on December 10-15. In this RA spotlight, Priya shares more on her background and research leading up to NeurIPS.
Grumpy Voters Want Better Stories. Not Statistics
In the final count, Trump collected 312 electoral votes to 226 for Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. While some votes are still being counted, the broad trends that won the election for Trump are also coming into focus. Echoing public opinion scholars, Duncan Watts of the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, author of Everything Is Obvious Once You Know the Answer, believes that Trump benefited from a broad anti-incumbent trend seen in elections worldwide; that sentiment swung enough undecided voters to his tally to win him the swing states needed for victory.
Commonsensicality: A New Platform to Measure Your Common Sense
Most of us believe that we possess common sense; however, we find it challenging to articulate which of our beliefs are commonsensical or how “common” we think they are. Now, the CSSLab invites participants to measure their own level of common sense by taking a survey on a new platform, The common sense project.
Since its launch, the project has received significant media attention; it was recently featured in The Independent, The Guardian, and New Scientist, attracting over 100,000 visitors to the platform just this past week.
CSSLab 2024 End-of-Summer Research Seminar Recap
On August 2nd, ten undergraduate and Master’s students showcased their research at the third annual Student Research Mini-Conference, which featured presentations from all four major research groups at the Computational Social Science Lab (CSSLab) at Penn: PennMAP, COVID-Philadelphia/Human Mobility, Group Dynamics, and Common Sense. Here are the highlights from this conference:
CSSLab Establishes Virtual Deliberation Lab to Reduce Affective Polarization
When a Republican and a Democrat sit down to discuss gun control, how is it going to go? Conversations between Republicans and Democrats can be either productive or polarizing and social scientists want to understand what makes conversations between people from competing social groups succeed, as positive conversations have proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce intergroup conflict. However, when conversations go poorly, they can instead increase polarization and reinforce negative biases.
Accelerating the Path to a Master’s Degree
As a computer science major at Penn Engineering, Mahika Calyanakoti ’26 enjoyed her courses in data science, math, and machine learning. So when she decided to pursue an accelerated master’s degree, she chose Penn Engineering’s data science program.
“A lot of computer science undergrads go into the accelerated program in computer science, but I wanted a little more variety in my studies,” she says. “While the CIS master’s is a great program, I felt the Data Science master’s better suited my desire to broaden my academic horizons.”
The mechanics of collaboration
Like many clichés, the origins of the common mantra “Teamwork makes the dream work” is rooted in a shared experience.
For Xinlan Emily Hu, a fourth-year Ph.D. student at Wharton, that is, however, more than just a catchy saying. It is the foundation of her research into the science of teamwork. As she puts it, “The magic of a successful team isn’t just in having the right people; it’s in how those people interact and communicate.”
University of Pennsylvania Launches Penn Center on Media, Technology, and Democracy
The University of Pennsylvania today announced $10 million in funding dedicated to its new Center for Media, Technology, and Democracy. The Center will be housed in the School of Engineering and Applied Science (Penn Engineering) and will operate in partnership with five other schools at Penn.
The Center will benefit from a five-year, $5 million investment from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as well as an additional $5 million in combined resources from Penn Engineering, Penn Arts & Sciences, the Annenberg School for Communication, the Wharton School, Penn Carey Law, and the School of Social Policy & Practice.
Detecting Media Bias
When Duncan Watts and his colleagues at Penn’s Computational Social Science Lab began work in January on a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to analyze news articles in the mainstream media, they aimed to release it before the presidential debate on June 27.
“We built the whole thing from scratch in six months—which I’ve never experienced anything like in my academic career,” says Watts, the Stevens University Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication and the director of the Computational Social Science Lab (CSSLab). “It was a huge project, and a lot of people worked relentlessly to get it up.”
The Team Communication Toolkit: Emily Hu’s Award-Winning Project
Emily Hu, a fourth year Wharton Operations, Information, and Decisions PhD student at the Computational Social Science Lab (CSSLab), has just launched her award-winning Team Communication Toolkit at the Academy of Management Conference on August 12 in Chicago. This toolkit allows researchers to analyze text-based communication data among groups and teams by providing over a hundred research-backed conversational features, eliminating the need to compute these features from scratch.
Overcoming the Challenges of GPS Mobility Data in Epidemic Modeling
Epidemic modeling is a framework for evaluating the location and timing of disease transmission events, and is a part of the larger field of human mobility science. The COVID-19 pandemic put existing epidemic models to the test, with many institutions and corporations employing models that utilized smartphone location data to measure human-to-human interactions and better understand potential transmissions and social distancing.
Duncan Watts and CSSLab’s New Media Bias Detector
The 2024 U.S. presidential debates kicked off June 27, with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump sharing the stage for the first time in four years. Duncan Watts, a computational social scientist from the University of Pennsylvania, considers this an ideal moment to test a tool his lab has been developing during the last six months: the Media Bias Detector.
“The debates offer a real-time, high-stakes environment to observe and analyze how media outlets present and potentially skew the same event,” says Watts, a Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor with appointments in the Annenberg School for Communication, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and Wharton School. “We wanted to equip regular people with a powerful, useful resource to better understand how major events, like this election, are being reported on.”
What Public Discourse Gets Wrong About Misinformation Online
Researchers at the Computational Social Science Lab (CSSLab) at the University of Pennsylvania, led by Stevens University Professor Duncan Watts, study Americans’ news consumption. In a new article in Nature, Watts, along with David Rothschild of Microsoft Research (Wharton Ph.D. ‘11 and PI in the CSSLab), Ceren Budak of the University of Michigan, Brendan Nyhan of Dartmouth College, and Annenberg alumnus Emily Thorson (Ph.D. ’13) of Syracuse University, review years of behavioral science research on exposure to false and radical content online and find that exposure to harmful and false information on social media is minimal to all but the most extreme people, despite a media narrative that claims the opposite.
Mapping Media Bias: How AI Powers the Computational Social Science Lab’s Media Bias Detector
Every day, American news outlets collectively publish thousands of articles. In 2016, according to The Atlantic, The Washington Post published 500 pieces of content per day; The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal more than 200. “We’re all consumers of the media,” says Duncan Watts, Stevens University Professor in Computer and Information Science. “We’re all influenced by what we consume there, and by what we do not consume there.”
Mapping How People Get Their (Political) News
New data visualizations from the Computational Social Science Lab show how Americans consume news. ith political polarization in the American public at a record high, determining where Americans get their political news is crucial to making sense...
The CSSLab Launches News Consumption Dashboard
The Computational Social Sciences Lab’s (CSSLab) new dashboard, Mapping the (Political) Information Ecosystem, is a set of four data visualizations that highlight Americans’ media consumption habits, with a focus on echo chambers and the news. This is the second of a series of dashboards launched by the CSSLab, as part of its PennMAP (Penn Media Accountability) project, and focuses on expanding knowledge on the media by translating research papers into interactive, digestible content.
Misleading COVID-19 headlines from mainstream sources did more harm on Facebook than fake news
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 30, 2024 – Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, fake news on social media has been widely blamed for low vaccine uptake in the United States — but research by MIT Sloan School of Management PhD candidate Jennifer Allen and Professor David Rand finds that the blame lies elsewhere.
Reexamining Misinformation: How Unflagged, Factual Content Drives Vaccine Hesitancy
Factual, vaccine-skeptical content on Facebook has a greater overall effect than “fake news,” discouraging millions from the COVID-19 shot. (Marcela Vieira via Getty Images) hat threatens public health more, a deliberately false Facebook post about...
Homa Hosseinmardi and Sam Wolken Speak at Annenberg Workshop
Homa Hosseinmardi and Sam Wolken of the Computational Social Science Lab (CSSLab) were recently invited to speak at the Political and Information Networks Workshop on April 25-26. This workshop was organized by the Center for Information Networks and Democracy (CIND), a new lab under the Annenberg School of Communication. CIND studies how communication networks in the digital era play a role in democratic processes, and its research areas include Information Ecosystems and Political Segregation (or Partisan Segregation).
Estimating the Effect of YouTube Recommendations with Homa Hosseinmardi
In Analytics at Wharton’s Research Spotlight series, we highlight research by Wharton and Penn faculty, doctoral students, and researchers whose work focuses on innovations and applications of data science, analytics, and artificial intelligence. This month, we...
Joe Biden’s (but not Donald Trump’s) age: A case study in the New York Times’ inconsistent narrative selection and framing
On the weekend of March 2-3, 2024, the landing page of the New York Times was dominated by coverage of their poll showing voter concern over President Biden’s age. There was a lot of concern among Democrats about the methods of the poll, especially around the low response rate and leading questions. But as a team of researchers who study both survey methods and mainstream media, we are not surprised that people are telling pollsters they are worried about Biden’s age. Why wouldn’t they? The mainstream media has been telling them to be worried about precisely this issue for months.
Hyperpartisan consumption on YouTube is shaped more by user preferences than the algorithm
Given the sheer amount of content produced every day on a platform as large as YouTube, which hosts over 14 billion videos, the need for some sort of algorithmic curation is inevitable. As YouTube has attracted millions of views on partisan videos of a conspiratorial or radical nature, observers speculate that the platform’s algorithm unintentionally radicalizes its users by recommending hyperpartisan content based on their viewing history.
But is the algorithm the primary force driving these consumption patterns, or is something else at play?
The YouTube Algorithm Isn’t Radicalizing People
About a quarter of Americans get their news on YouTube. With its billions of users and hours upon hours of content, YouTube is one the largest online media platforms in the world.
In recent years, there has been a popular narrative in the media that videos from highly partisan, conspiracy theory-driven YouTube channels radicalize young Americans and that YouTube’s recommendation algorithm leads users down a path of increasingly radical content.
New Insights on Common Sense Take the Spotlight on Canadian Radio
Mark E. Whiting was featured on Quirks and Quarks, a science and technology podcast on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) radio. The host, Bob McDonald, is a renowned Canadian science journalist who interviewed Whiting on his recent milestone. Their conversation, “Common sense is not that common, but it is widely distributed,” was aired on January 19, 2024.
The commonalities of common sense
Throughout human history, survival and the formation of complex societies have heavily depended on knowledge. Equally crucial are the assumptions about what others perceive as true or false, namely common sense. This is evident in everyday situations like adhering to road rules: Pedestrians naturally avoid walking into traffic, while drivers refrain from driving on sidewalks to bypass congestion.
Commonsensicality: A Novel Approach to Thinking about Common Sense and Measuring it
In general we believe that we possess common sense to a certain extent, but have you ever wondered if what you perceive to be common sense is also considered common sense to others?
In other words, is common sense actually common?
The answer remains elusive in large part due to a lack of empirical evidence. To address this problem, CSSLab Senior Computational Social Scientist Mark E. Whiting and CSSLab Founder and Director Duncan J. Watts introduce an analytical framework for quantifying common sense in their paper titled: “A framework for quantifying individual and collective common sense.”
Warped Front Pages
Seven years ago, in the wake of the 2016 presidential election, media analysts rushed to explain Donald Trump’s victory. Misinformation was to blame, the theory went, fueled by Russian agents and carried on social networks. But as researchers, we wondered if fascination and fear over “fake news” had led people to underestimate the influence of traditional journalism outlets. After all, mainstream news organizations remain an important part of the media ecosystem—they’re widely read and watched; they help set the agenda, including on social networks.
Mapping the Murky Waters: The Promise of Integrative Experiment Design
My PhD journey began with a clear vision: to unravel the interplay between social network structures and their collective outcomes. I was particularly interested in the collective intelligence arising in those structures. With several projects already underway on this topic, I felt prepared. Perhaps optimistically, or some might think naively, I chose to tackle the literature review of my dissertation —often considered the “easy part”— during the first year of my PhD. always been interested in how people think, something that drew him to study literature as an undergraduate, and, now, to investigate the intersection between public opinion, local news, and politics.
Are experimental designs one-size-fits-all? Or should they be modified to encapsulate the complexity of human behavior?
In the social and behavioral sciences, a theory provides a generalizable explanation that holds under a variety of specific conditions, and experiments are conducted to verify hypotheses which are derived from the theory. This process has become the dominant methodology under which scientific development occurs one experiment at a time, also known as the one-at-a-time approach.
The Unintended Consequence of Deplatforming on the Spread of Harmful Content
“Deplatforming” refers to the banning of individuals, communities, or entire websites that spread misinformation or hate speech. Social media platforms implement this practice to reduce harmful content, but its effectiveness is debatable.
Radicalization at a Glance: Penn Media Accountability Project Launches Interactive Data Dashboard
PennMAP launches the first in a series of interactive data visualizations. The new dashboard is designed to make the CSSLab’s research on YouTube radicalization accessible and engaging to the general public — and, in the process, forms the first step towards revolutionizing research communication.
Researcher Spotlight: Jorge Barreras Cortes
Having just earned his Ph.D. in applied math in December, Jorge “Paco” Barreras Cortes kicks off 2023 as a fully fledged post-doctoral researcher at the CSSLab. He has driven the Lab’s work on epidemic modeling since 2020, grappling with the types of data, machine learning, and network science quandaries that underpin the toughest challenges in the field. Read on to learn more about his research journey in this month’s Researcher Spotlight.
Two CSSLab projects receive Analytics at Wharton grant funding
Linnea Gandhi and Emily Hu, both PhD students in Wharton’s Operations, Information and Decisions Department (OIDD), have received AAW funding for their work at the CSSLab.
Call for Abstracts opens for IC²S² 2023
Abstract submissions are now open for IC²S² 2023, the premier conference for interdisciplinary researchers interested in using computational and data-intensive methods to address societally relevant problems.
How Data Analytics Can Help Deliver Social Good
The second of this year’s Beyond Business panels explored how data science innovations are bringing solutions to previously intractable social problems.
From Crisis Communications to Dissecting a Decade of TV News
Sam Wolken, a joint doctoral student in Communication and Political Science, studies public opinion, local news, and politics.
Duncan Watts speaks at 6th-annual Psychology of Technology Conference
Duncan Watts presented ongoing research on the media ecosystem, part of PennMAP, to a group of interdisciplinary scholars studying how technology is changing the human experience.
CSSLab receives Templeton grant for Open-Science Platform
The CSSLab has received a research grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation for the ongoing development of “An Open-Science Platform to Improve Deliberation and Reduce Polarization.”
Emma Arsekin expands role as Senior Communications Specialist
As 2022 draws to a close, we celebrate Emma Arsekin, who will be continuing her work at the CSSLab in the new role of Senior Communications Specialist.With 2023 promising groundbreaking new research outputs, the CSSLab is excited to draw from Emma Arsekin's...
CSSLab receives Google Research grant for YouTube News Modeling
The CSSLab has received a $20,000 research grant from Google Research for its project “Modeling YouTube Users’ Production & Consumption of News,” an ambitious project to illuminate the supply-demand mechanics of the YouTube news ecosystem.
What we learned from Philadelphia’s vaccine lottery
Whether developing a safe vaccine or figuring out how to encourage its adoption, the same scientific method — systematically experimenting to see what works and what doesn’t — is key.
Homa Hosseinmardi moderates panel on media consumption, misinformation, and polarization
CSSLab Associate Research Scientist Homa Hosseinmardi will moderate a panel on media consumption, misinformation, and polarization as part of NYU’s Center for Social Media and Politics Seminar Series.
Empirica Stories: Exploring cultural evolution in the virtual lab
Today, we highlight the work of Levin Brinkmann and collaborators on their paper “Hybrid social learning in human-algorithm cultural transmission,” recently published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
Researcher Spotlight: Coen Needell
As of August 2022, the CSSLab is excited to welcome Coen Needell to the team as a pre-doctoral researcher. In this Researcher Spotlight, he shares about his pathway through the field of CSS, his role in the Penn Media Accountability Project (PennMAP), and how he’s poised to contribute in the year ahead.
PennMAP work on TV news featured at PolitiFact’s United Facts of America conference
CSSLab affiliated researcher David Rothschild discusses PennMAP research on TV echo chambers, news consumption, and cable news confusion at PolitiFact’s United Facts of America conference.
PennMAP research featured on Australian radio
New PennMAP research on TV echo chambers was discussed by Australian media experts on Fourth Estate, broadcast live on Sydney radio.
Demystifying deliberation, while reinventing social science research on the side
Depending on the group, the discussion topic, or the context of a negotiation, interventions meant to streamline a deliberation process can have varying degrees of success. This summer, student researchers at Penn’s Computational Social Science Lab set out to demystify the intervention process.
Behind the Scenes: The team driving Nudge Cartography
The Nudge Cartography project is building a tool to help policymakers, marketers, managers, and academics intelligently motivate behavior change. Meet some of the project leads and volunteers putting it all together.
Miguel Rivera-Lanas joins team as resident Data Scientist
August brings a special welcome to Miguel Rivera-Lanas, who is postponing his graduate studies to continue his work at the CSSLab as its resident Data Scientist.
Recap: CSSLab’s Summer 2022 Student Research Conference
On July 29th, the CSSLab held its inaugural Student Research Conference to share the summer progress made in the Lab’s various projects.
From the Executive Corner: Welcoming Jeanne Ruane
CSSLab Director Duncan Watts says farewell to former Executive Director Valery Yakubovich and welcomes his replacement, Jeanne Ruane.
Don’t be too quick to blame social media for America’s polarization – cable news has a bigger effect, study finds
Studies of online echo chambers don’t paint the full picture of Americans’ political segregation. New research shows that the problem is more Fox News Channel and MSNBC than Facebook and Twitter.
TV news top driver of political echo chambers in U.S.
Duncan Watts and colleagues found that 17% of Americans consume television news from partisan left- or right-leaning sources compared to just 4% online. For TV news viewers, this audience segregation tends to last month over month.
Empirica Stories: Experimenting with partisan bots to study political polarization
In this installment of Empirica Stories, we highlight the work of Eaman Jahani and collaborators on their preprint “Exposure to Common Enemies can Increase Political Polarization: Evidence from a Cooperation Experiment with Automated Partisans.”
Ph.D. Student Spotlight: Linnea Gandhi
Kicking off our Ph.D. Student Spotlight series, Summer 2022 features Linnea Gandhi, a rising third-year Ph.D. student taking the lead in the CSSLab’s work on enabling cumulative science.
Researcher Spotlight: James Houghton
As a key figure in the CSSLab’s work on high-throughput virtual lab experiments, post-doctoral researcher James Houghton aims to refocus social science around large-scale, data-driven insights. In this researcher spotlight, he shares about his path to computational social science research, his work at the CSSLab, and the exciting future for his most recent project on small-group deliberation.
End-of-Year Check-In: Celebrating the CSSLab’s Students
The CSSLab’s research assistants and Ph.D. students play a vital role in advancing the Lab’s diverse research projects. As the Spring 2022 semester comes to a close, we would like to highlight and celebrate some of our students’ recent accomplishments, various pathways to the CSSLab, and exciting summer projects.
From Seahawks Fan to 2022 NFL Big Data Bowl Finalist: How American Football Shaped Tai Nguyen’s Journey
Tai Nguyen is a Penn graduate student, research assistant, former IBM data scientist, and a finalist in the NFL Big Data Bowl. Those aren’t bad stats for a bright student who came to America a decade ago by himself with big dreams.
The Data Will Save Us: An Interview with CSSLab Director Duncan Watts
The data will save us. Or at least, that’s the hope of Duncan Watts, whose new initiative, PennMAP, aims to expose bias in journalism by building a huge database of news for researchers and journalism watchdogs to analyze. What’s at stake? Only the future of the free press and perhaps democracy itself.
Navigating the challenges of data-driven research
The CSSLab’s Research Data Engineer, Yingquan Li, offers his perspective on data-driven social science and the challenges facing the new field of CSS.
Applications open: Penn Summer Institute in Computational Social Science
The Penn Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS-Penn) is open for applications! SICSS-Penn will bring together early-career researchers and provide opportunities for networking with Computational Social Science colleagues, interdisciplinary research collaborations, and guest lectures.
Preparing student RAs for success on the tech job market
How does working at the CSSLab impact student researchers’ career goals and experiences on the job market? We asked two of the Lab’s graduate student research assistants, Keith Golden and Kailun Li, about their experiences at various stages of their job searches.
Researcher spotlight: Mark Whiting
Spearheading the CSSLab’s work on high-throughput virtual lab experiments on group dynamics, Mark Whiting is helping to define the paradigm of large-scale, data-driven social science research. In this researcher spotlight, he outlines his research trajectory and thoughts on the future of CSS.
Empirica Stories: Using online multiplayer experiments to study team hierarchy
Originally published on the Empirica blogWelcome to “Empirica Stories”, a series in which we highlight innovative research from the Empirica community, showcasing the possibilities of virtual lab experiments! In our first interview, we highlight the creative work of...
From the Executive Corner: CSSLab’s One-Year Retrospective
On March 10th, the CSSLab celebrated one year of working to define the new field of computational social science. To mark its anniversary month, the Lab's Executive Director, Valery Yakubovich, reflects upon our mission to adapt the core principles of CSS research to...
Want to reduce political polarization? Start by looking beyond politics
PHILADELPHIA, January 20, 2022 — Is bonding over non-political similarities the key to depolarizing political discussions? New research sheds light on how even hardliners can be swayed when coming in contact with opposing viewpoints.In many friend groups, politics is...
How biased narratives impact our judgment — even when we’re aware of it happening
PHILADELPHIA, January 11, 2022 — Does explicitly acknowledging bias make us less likely to make biased decisions? A new study examining how people justify decisions based on biased data finds that this is not necessarily the case.Narrative-based explanations of what...
Call for Abstracts for IC²S² 2022
The 8th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC²S²) solicits submissions of ongoing research, including (a) work that advances methods and approaches for computational social science, (b) data-driven work that describes and discovers social,...
What Big Data Reveals About Online Extremism
Originally published by the Annenberg School for Communication PHILADELPHIA, November 22, 2021 — Homa Hosseinmardi and her colleagues at Penn’s Computational Social Science Lab studied browsing data from 300,000 Americans to gain insights into how online...
Researcher spotlight: Homa Hosseinmardi
As the lead researcher on the Penn Media Accountability Project (PennMAP), Homa Hosseinmardi tackles questions of online political radicalization and misbehavior using large-scale data. In this month's researcher spotlight, she shares about her experience navigating...
Building the plane while flying it: How COVID shaped the CSSLab
As if coordinating across three largely autonomous schools were not difficult enough, the COVID-19 pandemic forced researchers at the CSSLab to fundamentally rethink how to collaborate. Director Duncan Watts took on the challenge of building a research lab amidst this...
PennMAP: YouTube radicalization paper cited in congress
On October 28, 2021, the November 2020 paper “Evaluating the scale, growth, and origins of right-wing echo chambers on YouTube” was cited in a hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Authored by PennMAP project lead Homa...
K@W Podcast: Are Teams Better Than Individuals at Getting Work Done?
Originally published at Knowledge@WhartonPHILADELPHIA, October 12, 2021 — When it comes to getting work done, two heads are better than one. Except when they aren’t. A new study from Wharton professor of operations, information and decisions Duncan Watts digs into the...
PennMAP Research and Outcomes to Expand Thanks to Leadership Gift
Originally published in the Wharton NewsroomPHILADELPHIA, September 30, 2021 — The Wharton School and the University of Pennsylvania are delighted to announce the expansion of the Penn Media Accountability Project (PennMAP), an interdisciplinary, nonpartisan research...
Wharton Behavioral Lab approves support for group dynamics research
We are excited to announce that the Wharton Behavioral Lab has agreed to support the CSSLab’s research on group dynamics. They will provide generous complimentary funds to help us to run our high-throughput virtual lab experiments, which will require participation...
Annenberg Conversations on Gender: “Algorithm Audits to Accountability” with Duncan Watts & Danaë Metaxa
The Annenberg Conversations series at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication engage Communication research and scholarship on topical issues together with a wide variety of individuals outside of Annenberg — including academics, activists, artists, and many others. During the 2021-22 academic year, the topic is gender.
Are two heads better than one? Or do too many cooks spoil the broth?
Can we predict whether a team of interacting individuals will outperform a group of individuals working alone? In their new paper “Task complexity moderates group synergy,” Abdullah Almaatouq and Duncan Watts, along with co-authors Mohammed Alsobay and Ming Yin,...
Empirica one of six software tools to be awarded SAGE Concept Grants
SAGE Publishing has issued the following press release announcing the winners of its 2021 Concept Grants. London, UK (August 10, 2021) — Six innovative software tools benefitting the social and behavioral sciences will receive SAGE Publishing’s 2021 SAGE Concept...
YouTube radicalization—or lack thereof—in the spotlight
Homa Hosseinmardi et al.'s most recent paper, “Examining the consumption of radical content on YouTube,” has been featured on Ars Technica. Read their coverage of the article here. The paper was also mentioned in an interview with YouTube’s chief product officer, Neal...
Is the algorithm to blame? Research on YouTube radicalization says not quite
The past two election cycles have drawn new attention to the internet’s impact on democracy. With political polarization on the rise and trust in traditional sources of authority on the decline, concerns have mounted over the distribution of false, hyperpartisan, and...
Facebook shows that even “big data” can hide big bias
With private companies increasingly controlling the production and consumption of information on their platforms, their data on user habits has grown especially valuable to researchers. However, these data rarely provide a complete picture of media consumption, since...
Nature: Special issue explores computational social science
Nature's special issue on computational social science is now available in digital format. The issue features the perspective piece “Integrating explanation and prediction in computational social science,” co-authored by Lab Director Duncan Watts. Read the full issue...
Expert advisory committee defines agenda for experimental, social, and behavioral science
The 1st Annual Meeting of the Expert Advisory Committee on Scaling Up Experimental, Social, and Behavioral Science was held on June 30th. Lab Director Duncan Watts, Abdullah Almaatouq, Mark Whiting, Linnea Gandhi, and James Houghton presented an overview of CSS Lab’s...
Can computational social scientists predict social science phenomena?
Over the past fifteen years, a technological revolution has deepened the intersection between the computational and social sciences. The rise of the internet has created new classes of data for social scientists to analyze—data which, because of its novelty compared...
Something’s in the Water: A broader view of misinformation
Baird Howland reflects upon his ongoing research on news consumption and misinformation in “Something's in the Water,” published in The Commonplace. He notes that the picture emerging from his research contradicts the conventional wisdom of Americans drowning in...
Upcoming: NetSci Computational Social Science Panel
On July 2nd, 10-12 EST, Nature editors Mary Elizabeth Sutherland and Federico Levi will host a virtual round table on Computational Social Science as part of the Networks 2021 conference. The speakers, including CSSLab Director Duncan Watts, have contributed to an...
Upcoming: IC2S2 Conference on Computational Social Science
The 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), organized by EHT Zurich, will take place online July 27-31. The conference brings together researchers from different disciplines interested in using computational and data-intensive methods to...
Scaling Up Experimental Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science
Expert Advisory Committee: We are excited to announce the creation of the Expert Advisory Committee for our project “Scaling Up Experimental Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science.” Funded by research grants from the James and Jane Manzi Analytics Fund and Alfred P....
Measuring the Narrative of the Covid-19 Pandemic
New Research Project: The Analytics at Wharton Initiative awarded the CSS Lab a research grant for the project "Measuring the Narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic." The goal of this project is to deepen our understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic—specifically, the...
Towards more powerful social, behavioral, and economic science
Coauthored by Lab Director Duncan Watts, the new white paper “Scaling up experimental social, behavioral, and economic science” proposes a fundamental rethinking of the model of virtual-laboratory style experiments. It outlines four major changes to the...
Published: “A Large-Scale Comparative Study of Informal Social Networks in Firms”
“A Large-Scale Comparative Study of Informal Social Networks in Firms,” authored by Lab Director Duncan Watts and coauthor Abigail Jacobs, has been published in Management Science. The paper provides an analysis of a unique data set of aggregated, anonymized email...
Published: “Measuring the News and Its Impact on Democracy”
Authored by Lab Director Duncan Watts and coauthors David Rothschild and Markus Mobius, a recent paper titled “Measuring the news and its impact on democracy” has been published in PNAS. The paper proposes an ambitious collective research agenda to measure the...
Published: “Empirica: A Virtual Lab for High-Throughput Macro-Level Experiments”
Abdullah Almaatouq, Joshua Becker, James Houghton, Nicolas Paton, Duncan Watts, and Mark Whiting’s paper “Empirica: a virtual lab for high-throughput macro-level experiments” has been published in Behavior Research Methods. The paper introduces Empirica, a modular...
Forthcoming: “Comparing Estimates of News Consumption from Survey and Passively collected Behavioral Data”
Lab Director Duncan Watts and co-authors David Rothschild and Baird Howland explore a popular and important behavior that is frequently measured in public opinion surveys: news consumption. They validate earlier findings that, despite large shifts in news consumption...
The science of fake news
Co-authors David Rothschild and Lab Director Duncan Watts discuss extant social and computer science research regarding the belief in and spread of fake news. They focus on unanswered scientific questions raised by the proliferation of fake news' most recent,...
Don’t blame the election on fake news. Blame it on the media.
Lab Director Duncan Watts and David Rothschild discuss the media's role in fueling polarization and skepticism toward traditional sources of authority during the 2016 election. They explain how the volume of reporting around fake news, along with tech companies’ work...
Rebuilding legitimacy in a post-truth age
Lab Director Duncan Watts and co-author David Rothschild discuss the challenges of a post-truth age, in which evidence, scientific understanding, or mere logical consistency have grown increasingly irrelevant to political argumentation. They argue that, while the...