New PennMAP research on TV echo chambers was discussed by Australian media experts on Fourth Estate, broadcast live on Sydney radio.
Recent research from the CSSLab analyzing TV and web news consumption patterns — coauthored by the Lab’s Duncan Watts, Homa Hosseinmardi, Baird Howland, and David Rothschild — has received a string of high-profile coverage, including features in The Conversation, Penn Today, and Penn Engineering Today. Adding to the mix, the research hit the airwaves as the central topic of August 18th’s episode of Fourth Estate, “TV Echo Chambers and Political Polarization.“
Broadcast live on Sydney’s 2SER 107.3FM, Fourth Estate examines how the media has covered the news and considers broader issues affecting the industry, both in Australia and throughout the world. It is presented by Monica Attard, Sharon Davis, Chrisanthi Giotis, Sacha Molitorisz, and Julia Carr-Catzel. Each week, the radio show features a regular rotating panel of experts as well as in-depth one-on-one interviews.

TV Echo Chambers and Political Polarization
New research has found that TV audiences in the United States tended to have more narrow news diets than their social media counterparts. This edition of Fourth Estate discusses the state of partisan politics in America, echo chambers, and lessons for the Australian media.
Monica Attard spoke with Bernard Keane, Political Editor at Crikey and Nick O’Malley, National Environment and Climate Editor at the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.