Expert Advisory Committee: 

We are excited to announce the creation of the Expert Advisory Committee for our project “Scaling Up Experimental Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science.” Funded by research grants from the James and Jane Manzi Analytics Fund and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the project aims to create a virtual infrastructure for high-throughput experiments to facilitate replicability in the social sciences. The committee will meet once a year to review the project’s progress and advise on the next steps towards fulfilling its mission.

We are grateful to the Committee’s Founding Members for accepting our invitation: Eytan Bakshy, Facebook; Tom Griffiths, Princeton University; Colin Camerer, CalTech; Katia Damer, Prolific; Angela Duckworth, University of Pennsylvania; Daniel Kahneman, Princeton University; James Larson, Loyola University Chicago; Brian Uzzi, Northwestern University; and Ming Yin, Purdue University.

To learn more, read our recently published white paper, “Scaling Up Experimental Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science.”