Call for Abstracts for IC²S² 2022

The 8th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC²S²) solicits submissions of ongoing research, including (a) work that advances methods and approaches for computational social science, (b) data-driven work that describes and discovers social,...

What Big Data Reveals About Online Extremism

Originally published by the Annenberg School for Communication  PHILADELPHIA, November 22, 2021 — Homa Hosseinmardi and her colleagues at Penn’s Computational Social Science Lab studied browsing data from 300,000 Americans to gain insights into how online...

Researcher spotlight: Homa Hosseinmardi

As the lead researcher on the Penn Media Accountability Project (PennMAP), Homa Hosseinmardi tackles questions of online political radicalization and misbehavior using large-scale data. In this month’s researcher spotlight, she shares about her experience...

Building the plane while flying it: How COVID shaped the CSSLab

As if coordinating across three largely autonomous schools were not difficult enough, the COVID-19 pandemic forced researchers at the CSSLab to fundamentally rethink how to collaborate. Director Duncan Watts took on the challenge of building a research lab amidst this...