Aug 10, 2021 | Group Dynamics, News, Projects
SAGE Publishing has issued the following press release announcing the winners of its 2021 Concept Grants. London, UK (August 10, 2021) — Six innovative software tools benefitting the social and behavioral sciences will receive SAGE Publishing’s 2021 SAGE Concept...
Aug 4, 2021 | News, PennMAP, Publication
Homa Hosseinmardi et al.’s most recent paper, “Examining the consumption of radical content on YouTube,” has been featured on Ars Technica. Read their coverage of the article here. The paper was also mentioned in an interview with YouTube’s chief product...
Aug 2, 2021 | Featured, News, PennMAP, Published
The past two election cycles have drawn new attention to the internet’s impact on democracy. With political polarization on the rise and trust in traditional sources of authority on the decline, concerns have mounted over the distribution of false, hyperpartisan, and...
Jul 26, 2021 | News, Published
With private companies increasingly controlling the production and consumption of information on their platforms, their data on user habits has grown especially valuable to researchers. However, these data rarely provide a complete picture of media consumption, since...