Jul 1, 2021 | Group Dynamics, News
The 1st Annual Meeting of the Expert Advisory Committee on Scaling Up Experimental, Social, and Behavioral Science was held on June 30th. Lab Director Duncan Watts, Abdullah Almaatouq, Mark Whiting, Linnea Gandhi, and James Houghton presented an overview of CSS Lab’s...
Jun 30, 2021 | News, Published
Over the past fifteen years, a technological revolution has deepened the intersection between the computational and social sciences. The rise of the internet has created new classes of data for social scientists to analyze—data which, because of its novelty compared...
Jun 29, 2021 | Article, News, PennMAP
Baird Howland reflects upon his ongoing research on news consumption and misinformation in “Something’s in the Water,” published in The Commonplace. He notes that the picture emerging from his research contradicts the conventional wisdom of Americans drowning in...