Oct 12, 2021 | Featured, Group Dynamics, News, Publication
Originally published at Knowledge@Wharton PHILADELPHIA, October 12, 2021 — When it comes to getting work done, two heads are better than one. Except when they aren’t. A new study from Wharton professor of operations, information and decisions Duncan Watts digs into...
Sep 30, 2021 | News, PennMAP, Projects
Originally published in the Wharton Newsroom PHILADELPHIA, September 30, 2021 — The Wharton School and the University of Pennsylvania are delighted to announce the expansion of the Penn Media Accountability Project (PennMAP), an interdisciplinary, nonpartisan research...
Sep 21, 2021 | Group Dynamics, News, Projects
We are excited to announce that the Wharton Behavioral Lab has agreed to support the CSSLab’s research on group dynamics. They will provide generous complimentary funds to help us to run our high-throughput virtual lab experiments, which will require participation...
Sep 3, 2021 | Featured, Group Dynamics, News, Published
Can we predict whether a team of interacting individuals will outperform a group of individuals working alone? In their new paper “Task complexity moderates group synergy,” Abdullah Almaatouq and Duncan Watts, along with co-authors Mohammed Alsobay and Ming Yin,...